Monday, July 5, 2010

Week 3!

Hello Everyone. This is your post for Week 3. By now we should have all settled into a schedule of exercise, diet, and/or sloth. Results will really start to show soon, and hopefully front runners will emerge. The rankings did weird somersaults, and for the 3rd week in a row we have a new leader. Abstrodinary gentlemen I give you week 2's winners: for the second week in a row, Tizona has been the most abventurous, with El Abogado in second and Emiliano Abgato in third. In the definition arena Emiliano Abgato placed first, in second comes Abble Jacks, and with a three way tie for third Tizona, El Abogado, and Crunch Breakspine. Remember that your definition pictures should try to show maximum definition, this means lines. A flat stomach is nice, but this is a six-pack competition, so we need to see lines. It doesn't matter if they are lines from muscle, or the air-brush tan stuff Nelly Furtado used in the music video Promiscuous.

1 comment:

  1. Can the Abventure picture also be the one for definition?

    I only take one picture of my Abs a week - don't want to "over expose" my camera <3
