Friday, July 23, 2010

Abventure 5: Tizona vs. Aphrodite

I was strolling around in the Prado, scoping it out for a prank I wanted to do another day, when I stumbled upon two statues bickering. I had originally planned to return at a later date painted as a statue and pose next to one, taking care not to actually touch it, and see if anyone would notice, but I wasn't expecting to encounter such dynamic statues!

Adonis was kvetching to Aphrodite, that she was too full of herself and that her beauty was essentially useless when he noticed me listening in on their dispute. He began to ask me if I'd mind being a little less nosy and consider giving them a bit of privacy when he noticed my unique physique. He asked if I had a six pack, and I said, "No, not yet; I have a two pack but even so it is far more practical than that voluptuous thang Aphrodite's got going on." He frowned slightly, and then asked me to reveal my pack. When I did, he realized immediately of its utility and asked me if I'd fancy assuming Aphrodite's position. I said, "Sure, hombre, but don't I need to prove my strength, or something?? Can't I kick Aphrodite off her pedestal?" He pondered this somewhat startling request for a moment, realized two women fighting is never a bad sight, and permitted me to duel with Aphrodite for the post. I conquered her handily, and she fled.

I assumed my post, of course "baring" the appropriate lack of attire for a proper Greek goddess. After a while of chatting, Adonis, threw me what he thought was sure to be a twister. He inquired, "For times of war, it is vastly evident that your pack is very valuable, but what good is it for times of peace?" I responded, "Why, for dancing, of course! What's more, how do you think I maintain my pack?!! It's all about the dancing!" He commanded, "Dance for me then," and proceeded to show him the dance I had once learned from a exuberant pack of dancing wood nymphs.

Later that afternoon, poor Adonis, felt so lonely and foolish when told him I couldn't stay by his side in the Prado forever. However, he seemed to understand when I told him my pack was needed to tame some lions in Kenya. Also, hopefully, in some time Aphrodite will hobble her way back to be reunited with him - this time all the wiser with the avant-garde insight that she should do more dancing instead of just slouching around lookin' pretty all day.

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