Friday, July 9, 2010

Abventure 3: Battle at Estanque


Legend has it that for years and years in the Estanque of the Buen Retiro Park a ravenous monster has inhabited its depths. Legend says that if left unmolested Bocagrande will remain innocuous and out of sight, subsisting solely on the microorganisms carpeting the bottom of the Estanque, but if one attempts to summon her, feed her, or attack her, she will react violently and the molester will be left headless with but a single chomp of her massive jaws - and with the sequential chomp, the molester will cease to exist entirely (apart from inside the stomach of Bocagrande).

The trouble is that in the Estanque there are loads of fish and other marine animals thriving harmoniously, and the tourists, who don't know any better, attempt to feed the fish incidentally setting off the great rage of Bocagrande.

Tizona lives a block away from Reitro, and considers it to be her own personal backyard which she benevolently shares with whoever should wish to enjoy that which Retiro has to offer (black swans, greenery, leisurely paddling or necking in the Estanque, an agreeable assortment of illegal drugs, etc., etc.). This afternoon Tizona decided she could no longer allow such a nuisance to persist in her peaceful backyard and set out to conquer the beast. The photo below shows Tizona diving into the Estanque. The story that follows recounts the major events of the battle at Estanque that ensued.
The Battle:

Moments prior to diving into the Estanque, Tizona briefly considered blinding the blasted creature with her stunningly pale pack, but she swiftly realized that its acute sense of smell and voracious hunger would hardly be deterred in the absence of sight. Once in the water, Tizona hesitated for not even a minuscule moment. She began swimming fearlessly towards her target. Her plan then appeared to be to wrestle the beast to its inexorable death when all of a sudden she pulled up just mere feet from the ferocious head of the monster. It was unclear what her plan was at this point, but she had no doubt arrived at a superior alternative strategy to conquer Bocagrande.

Tizona had keenly noted that one of Bocagrande's gills was very severely damaged. Posthaste, Tizona summoned her pack's super inflatable power, and in one torrential gulp, drained the entire Estanque. She then waited patiently for Bocagrande to suffocate. All of the fish and mer-animals of the Estanque were also flopping and flailing around, struggling to survive, but Tizona aptly calculated that they would outlast the loathsome monster because of her defective gill. At the last flinch of Bocagrande, she released forthwith the suspended water from within her pack. As the water level returned to its normal depth, all of the Estanque's other inhabitants quickly recovered from their asphixia, but Bocagrande lay motionless at the bottom of the Estanque, where she will forever remain - no longer a threat to the innocent visitors of Retiro Park.

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